Cincy Pinball
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Cincy Pinball League

Active from 02/12/2022 through 01/11/2025.

Played 4 seasons, 21 meets, 126 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
24 (B+J) 8,054,280 9,563,550 6,545,010 2
ACDC Prem (B+J) 6,028,390 6,028,390 6,028,390 1
AFM (Phoebe's) 663,238,900 663,238,900 663,238,900 1
Attack From mars (Ken Guenther) 472,474,350 717,326,430 227,622,270 2
Attack from Mars (Metallik) 2,097,992,000 2,097,992,000 2,097,992,000 1
Attack From Mars (PeteL) 681,720,720 681,720,720 681,720,720 1
Avengers IQ prem (L3) 55,701,570 55,701,570 55,701,570 1
Bad Cats (Phoebe's) 1,134,610 1,134,610 1,134,610 1
Bad Girls (Erik's) 516,360 516,360 516,360 1
Beatles (Erik's) 1,184,720 1,184,720 1,184,720 1
Big Game (Erik's) 177,020 299,900 54,130 2
Big Game (Metallik) 364,200 364,200 364,200 1
Black Knight SOR pro (L3) 20,162,680 20,162,680 20,162,680 1
Black Knight SOR pro (PeteL) 2,766,530 2,766,530 2,766,530 1
Cactus Canyon Re (L3) 15,017,170 15,017,170 15,017,170 1
Cheetah (Erik's) 693,730 693,730 693,730 1
Cosmic GunFight (PeteL) 162,230 162,230 162,230 1
Creature From The Black Lagoon (Ben) 23,106,250 23,106,250 23,106,250 1
CSI (Phoebe's) 7,104,600 7,104,600 7,104,600 1
Demo Man (Ken McIntosh) 114,801,890 114,801,890 114,801,890 1
Dialed In (L3) 60,700 63,180 58,210 2
Doctor Who (Ken Guenther) 6,755,090 6,755,090 6,755,090 1
Earthshaker (PeteL) 1,652,240 1,652,240 1,652,240 1
ElviraHOH (L3) 3,790,620 3,790,620 3,790,620 1
Gaurdians of the Galaxy prem. (Ben) 69,031,150 69,031,150 69,031,150 1
Godzilla pro (Ben) 30,823,040 30,823,040 30,823,040 1
Godzilla pro (PeteL) 26,864,710 32,648,350 21,081,070 2
GOT prem (Erik's) 15,209,770 15,209,770 15,209,770 1
Grand Prix (Erik's) 110,900 117,090 104,710 2
Grand Prix (Ken Guenther) 697,170 828,520 565,820 2
Grand Prix (Ken McIntosh) 429,080 429,080 429,080 1
Grand Prix (Stern) (B+J) 10,445,320 10,445,320 10,445,320 1
Harlem Globetrotters (Phoebe's) 606,630 gold medal 606,630 606,630 1
Hot Doggin' (Ben) 60,660 68,230 53,080 2
Indianapolis 500 (B+J) 22,431,590 22,431,590 22,431,590 1
Iron Maiden premium (Phoebe's) 30,484,070 30,484,070 30,484,070 1
Iron Man (PeteL) 1,958,880 1,958,880 1,958,880 1
Johnny Mneumonic (PeteL) 585,012,470 585,012,470 585,012,470 1
Joker Poker (PeteL) 122,110 122,110 122,110 1
Judge Dread (Ken Guenther) 35,216,110 35,412,580 35,019,640 2
Jungle Queen (Erik's) 51,540 51,540 51,540 1
Kiss pro (Phoebe's) 9,131,300 9,131,300 9,131,300 1
Lord of the Rings (Ben) 7,317,630 7,317,630 7,317,630 1
Lucky 7 (Ken McIntosh) 43,300 43,300 43,300 1
Lucky Strike (Ken Guenther) 657 657 657 1
Mandalorian LE (L3) 789,250 789,250 789,250 1
Mario Andretti (B+J) 515,012,050 515,012,050 515,012,050 1
Mario Andretti (Ken Guenther) 354,719,160 354,719,160 354,719,160 1
Medieval Madness (R) (B+J) 32,101,860 32,101,860 32,101,860 1
Metallica (PeteL) 3,409,380 3,409,380 3,409,380 1
Meteor (Ken G.) 214,000 214,000 214,000 1
Meteor (Ken McIntosh) 192,160 231,010 153,300 2
Monster Bash (Ben) 9,075,140 9,075,140 9,075,140 1
Monster Bash (Ken McIntosh) 5,595,950 5,595,950 5,595,950 1
Monster Bash (R) (B+J) 6,691,950 6,691,950 6,691,950 1
Mousin Around (Metallik) 870,080 870,080 870,080 1
No Fear (PeteL) 290,610,030 404,998,680 176,221,380 2
No Good Goofers (Metallik) 4,133,670 4,133,670 4,133,670 1
Pirates of the Caribbean Stern (Ken McIntosh) 8,793,000 8,793,000 8,793,000 1
Rob Zombie (Metallik) 2,745,390 2,745,390 2,745,390 1
Rocky & Bullwinkle (Erik's) 31,521,000 31,521,000 31,521,000 1
Royal Flush (PeteL) 38,670 72,010 19,630 3
Scared Stiff (Phoebe's) 2,212,870 2,212,870 2,212,870 1
Scooby Doo (Ken McIntosh) 165,510 165,510 165,510 1
Ship Ahoy (L3) 66,760 66,760 66,760 1
Sorcerer (Phoebe's) 1,173,680 1,173,680 1,173,680 1
Space Mission (B+J) 55,370 55,370 55,370 1
Spanish Eyes (Ken Guenther) 33,000 33,000 33,000 1
Spider-Man (B+J) 33,539,570 51,210,510 15,868,620 2
Star Trek Bally (Ken McIntosh) 40,340 40,340 40,340 1
Star Trek LE (B+J) 5,225,450 5,225,450 5,225,450 1
Star Trek LE (Ben) 16,142,720 21,162,680 11,122,760 2
Star Wars pro (Phoebe's) 179,261,940 179,261,940 179,261,940 1
Stranger Things pre (Ben) 34,540,420 34,540,420 34,540,420 1
Tales Of The Arabian Knights (Ken McIntosh) 682,710 682,710 682,710 1
Taxi (Phoebe's) 523,440 754,570 292,310 2
The Dark Knight (Ben) 5,520,730 7,358,410 3,683,050 2
The Hobbit (L3) 39,120 43,830 34,411 2
The Walking Dead (Ben) 15,799,020 25,436,870 6,161,160 2
The Walking Dead LE (Erik's) 16,571,570 28,056,000 5,087,140 2
Theatre of Magic (L3) 26,400,080 26,400,080 26,400,080 1
Toy Story (Ken McIntosh) 473,800 711,500 236,100 2
Toy Story 4 (Ben) 490,090 490,090 490,090 1
Tron (Ben) 2,964,940 2,964,940 2,964,940 1
Twilight Zone (Ben) 69,221,820 69,221,820 69,221,820 1
Twilight Zone (Metallik) 23,360,280 23,360,280 23,360,280 1
Wheel Of Fortune (Phoebe's) 1,171,160 1,171,160 1,171,160 1
White Water (Ben) 26,246,540 26,246,540 26,246,540 1
White Water (Ken Guenther) 50,732,200 50,732,200 50,732,200 1
Wizard of Oz (L3) 61,190 61,191 61,191 1
World Cup Soccer (PeteL) 597,097,060 753,773,750 487,294,960 3

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Don Enyon 1516.67%
Ben Patrick1516.67%
Brian Coney41422.22%
Casey Rice1516.67%
Chris Braunstein1118.33%
Chris Samples3925.00%
Cody Schmidlin3350.00%
Dan Brandis2433.33%
Doug Bollinger 2433.33%
Drew Skally3350.00%
Erik Wurtenberger0120.00%
Frank Jung3925.00%
Jake Braunstein 1516.67%
Joe Reist2433.33%
Joel Bergantino060.00%
Joni Stiles7558.33%
Ken Guenther1118.33%
Ken McIntosh71138.89%
Kevin Holland6650.00%
Larry Schmidlin4266.67%
Larry Scott41422.22%
Larry Smith31516.67%
Mallori Wolfe4833.33%
Mark Pegram1516.67%
Matt Gauslin101441.67%
Michael Dawn1516.67%
Pat Green71729.17%
Pete Lahrmann21016.67%
Phoebe Smith1118.33%
Rob Uzzolino 2433.33%
Sam McConnell060.00%

Badges Awarded (14)

Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 09/28/2024 (Cincy Pinball League 2024- 25 meet 2)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 02/10/2024 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 6)
Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Earned 02/10/2024 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 6)
Did Your Time
Did Your Time
Earned for playing all games of a season with no forfeits or preplays.

Earned 03/18/2023 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 7)
Missed a Spot
Missed a Spot
Earned for finishing a season without playing all machines.

Earned 03/18/2023 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 7)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 03/18/2023 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 7)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 01/14/2023 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 5)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 10/15/2022 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 3)
Lucky Break
Lucky Break
Earned for getting points on a game with less than 10% of the league average score.

Earned 09/10/2022 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 2)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 09/10/2022 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 2)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 08/27/2022 (Cincy Pinball League 2023-2024 meet 1)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 03/19/2022 (Cincy Pinball League Summer 2021 meet 7)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 03/19/2022 (Cincy Pinball League Summer 2021 meet 7)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 02/12/2022 (Cincy Pinball League Summer 2021 meet 6)